The Nuremberg Trials – explained

Shortly after the end of World War II, a series of trials began in Nuremberg to address the crimes committed by the Germans during the war and to punish those who were personally responsible for them. That is the basic idea behind the Nuremberg Trials and it seemed to be a simple and rational one.

Actually, however, only nation states are able to set up tribunals. But here, for the first time in history, representatives of a state were to be tried and an alliance of states was to conduct the trials. This was not easy, because international law as we know it today did not exist at that time. Nor was there an international court that would have had jurisdiction over crimes of such a magnitude. So how was it that the trials could take place anyway and that they are still a great example for us today?

In our video "The Nuremberg Trials - explained", we would like to explain to you concisely what exactly happened in Nuremberg starting in 1945, who was involved and what actually became of the good ideas that were born there.

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Funded by Zukunftsstiftung der Sparkasse Nürnberg